Restoration Through Education
A Purity Paradigm For Our Homes, Churches, and Nations
Newly Released Films
Audrey Werner has been honored to be a part of two powerful films: Sex Nation (newly released in 2023) and The Mind Polluters (newly released on DVD.) Click the links below to find out how you can watch these films and share them within your parent groups, churches, and fellow families.
2023, Director Jaco Booyens
Click here to view the film, get to know the cast, and donate to end human trafficking!
For Educational Purposes
The Matthew XVIII Group is a ministry dedicated to waking up the Church to the social science which has overtaken it in the realm of life and marriage. Unwittingly in many cases, since 1950, the Church has relied upon Alfred Kinsey’s fraudulent science, especially in the area of sex education, leading to devastating effects on children, women, and the institution of marriage. Evolutionist Kinsey openly expressed his intent with his research was to strip morality and “Victorian” repression from America’s view of human life focusing on man’s animal nature. After 60 plus years of Kinsey’s evolutionist view of the human life and “sexuality” America is measurably not better off since Kinsey entered the Church and America life. Sexual disease and dysfunction are pandemic.
Our mission can be accomplished by:
1. Informing and warning the Church of the old errors from the Kinsey reports through The Matthew XVIII Group website, numerous publications and videos, and public speaking appearances.
2. Providing a list of the difficult to find Christian materials that are accurate and age appropriate based on God’s Word and not based on or mixed up with prevailing Kinseyan fraudulent science.
3. Encourage Christian parents to take the lead in giving their children the truth about God’s life process through parenting books, webinars, and public speaking events.